Thursday, January 22, 2015

You Cause Your Own Pain

This was an unhappy surprise to me.  Any disease, injury, ache/pain, we  have attracted to ourselves.  So my rheumatoid arthritis is my fault.  I rejected this idea for many years.  I stopped reading Deepak Chopra because he said this.  It has taken awhile for me to face the truth.  I caused my chronic disease.

That is not good news to anyone who suffers.  The victim mentality is more appealing to sufferers.  "I didn't do anything, I was just struck down in the prime of life.  Poor me"  I addressed my RA with western medicine - a handful of pills.  Then I signed up for a mediumship class.

In mediumship class we were taught that everything, every little thing, happens for our greater good.  I attracted whatever it is to myself to learn a lesson.  I also learned that for the most part I lived in the head.  I didn't occupy my whole body.  My teacher said that part of the reason my RA progressed was because I wasn't present in my body   The most important lesson I learned from my teacher is that if I caused it, I can fix it.  Now, THAT is good news.  

Louise Hay has written several books about this very topic.  My favorite is Heal Your Life.  Through her work she has identified the meaning behind many pains and diseases.  She encourages each of us to be our own medical intuit.  Every pain MEANS something.  It's a message.  I'm going to try listening.

According to Louise Hay rheumatoid arthritis is caused by  "Deep criticism of authority. Feeling very put upon."  Ever feel that way?  I am deeply critical of, well, pretty much everything around me.  This is something that I want to get out of life.  Hay recommends the affirmation: "I am my own authority. I love and approve of myself. Life is good." I have not been a believer of affirmations but I am trying the Tube of Light and Violet Flame so I'll try this too.

As I sit here today, I have on a foot brace and can only walk haltingly.  What does that mean? Problems with the ankle indicates inflexibility and guilt.  Ankles represent the abililty to receive pleasure.  Check your symptoms here  So I can't tell you that I've conquered my problems and I am healthy and happy.  What I can say - I am a Work in Progress.

Much Love.

Friday, January 16, 2015

What kind of year is 2015 going to be numerology speeking?

Numerology is based on the teachings of Pythagoras.  Really.  That same guy from Algebra and Geometry class was the leader of a mystic movement.  They don't teach that in high school math class or I might have paid more attention.    

Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher who was born around 571 BC in Samos, Greece.   He developed a philosophy based on mathematics.  He postulated that everything in the universe was based on numbers.  He didn't write anything down so not too much survived.   He believed that if one devoted one's life to the study of math and science can relieve one from the Wheel of Birth - i.e. successive reincarnations.   Certain types of numerology was derived from his teachings.

In Numerology to determine what kind of year it's going to be we add the numbers of the year - 2+0+1+5=8.  So 2015 is a year of 8.

Eight relates to wealth, abundance and prosperity.  Also inner wisdom and self-sufficiency.  Of course with the positive there is always a shadow side.  The shadow side of 8 is domineering, greedy and smug superiority.

With Eight there is no half-way - it's either limitation or freedom, leader or burnout.  Eight sees the big picture and has a strong driving force to achieve goals.  Eight has a large capacity for hard work and drive to succeed.

  1. Next time, I'll talk about how a Personal Year interacts with the Eight.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

why I am no longer a Christian

2015 is the year that I come clean.  I am no longer a Christian.  It's been coming on for several years.  I still believe in Jesus.  I still believe in a Divine Power.  I just no longer can identify myself as a Christian.

I no longer can confidently believe that Christianity is the only viable option.  I never understood people who said they were spiritual but not religious.  I thought they just didn't want to get along with people encountered at church.  Or they wanted to sleep in on Sunday morning. However I now understand. I  think that if Jesus or Buddha or Mohammad visited the earth today they would agree -- religion has been misinterpreted and co-opted by greed.  I choose to no longer participate.

I tried many churches in many denominations and some without denominations,  I accept some of the responsibility.  I have participated in the gossip that will divide a group.  I have competed to be the best Christian,  I have held leaders in too high esteem as to participate in the cult of personality.  I have wanted to fit in so badly that I abdicated my responsibility to devise my own opinions,  But I have woken up.

This is my journey,