Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Still taking pics. But I'm getting a little faster. Maybe it just takes practice. Check out my setup.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Photography sucks

I've decided to be an online jewelry seller.  To do that, I have to take pictures of my jewelry.  That sounds easy?  Well, it isn't.  At etsy a seller can post up to five pics of each item.  OMG, I can't get five pics that are in focus and well-lit. Click on the etsy graphic to see my site.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


There is a website called  It takes all your words and makes a word cloud of them.  You can also make a word cloud of all the words in a blog.  So here is the wordle of my blog.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Hurricane Ike blew through my hood.  We were without power for four days.  One would think that I would bead but I was obsessed with listening to 24/7 news radio.  The Christmas in September vendor event that I've been preparing for since June was canceled.  If it's not rescheduled soon I'll send my inventory to Barefoot Artist Gallery.  I need more bead money.  LOL  The International Gem and Jewelry Show is coming to Houston again in October so I want to be ready to buy more beads.  It's amazing how dependent we as a society has become on electricity.  I need internet, news, refrigeration and most importantly, air conditioning.  We are fortunate that a cool front blew through and the weather is uncharacteristically cool.  It's beautiful outside today--cool breeze and bright sunshine.  We are blessed.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bead Show stash

Stash from the International Gem and Jewelry Show, Houston Texas.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Getting organized

I was looking for some matte black seed beads. I had all my seed beads in one plastic box. That worked for me when I had like five tubes of beeds. But now, not so much. So a trip to Wal-Mart later I had a seed beed organization system. But, I still didn't find any matte black seed beads so I'll need to make a run to the beed store. What a shame. LOL

Monday, April 21, 2008

Cats and Photography

I've been using up my bead stash making ankle bracelets and more necklace sets. My first month of sales at Barefoot Artist Gallery were promising. I made more than I spent at the bead show. LOL

This morning I've been photographing some of my new pieces. I'm getting entries ready for a beading contest. Well, photography with cats is a challenge. Princess thinks that the white drape and extra lights are perfect for HER. I mean she is photogenic but sometimes she is NOT the focal point. Try telling her that...

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Here is a pic of the stash I bought at the Gem and Jewelry Show last weekend. My favorite vendors were the ones with $2 stone strands and the 25 strands for $20 glass strands. I spent this weekend making ankle bracelets and several necklace sets. I'll post pics later. I need a white background.

I'm considering entering a beading contest. More on that later.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Houston Gem and Jewelry Show

The Houston International Gem and Jewelry Show is this weekend! WOO HOO! It's a beader's paradise. All sorts of beads. All prices. My favorite is the $1 strands. They are usually all piled together by the time I get there so the hunt is part of the fun. I have a list of stuff I need to look for--lobster clasps, itty bitty spacers, bead caps, phone leashes--but the most fun is finding things I'm not actually looking for. The fantastic bargain. The unexpected treasure. It's a rush.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Bead puddle

At one of the local bead stores, Bella Beads and Beyond, there is a bead puddle. The bead puddle is a container about 8 inches deep and 36 inches in diameter. It's filled with beads and findings. I think the intent of the bead puddle was to entertain kids while their moms shopped. However, it has become therapy for older kids, like me.

There is a certain zen about running your hands through the beads and then selecting the ones that catch your eye. I like to go to the bead puddle with no particular bead or color in mind. Just let the beads select themselves.

I went to the bead puddle yesterday and it was marvelous. I came home and started designing. I'll post some pics soon.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

How I started...

Bead collector or jewelry designer? Not a whole lot of difference. LOL. I started beading about three years ago. I needed a sedentary hobby due to rheumatoid arthritis. I first tried drawing but I stunk at that so I moved on to beading.

I started with bracelets. Mostly elastic. Then I learned how to use crimp beads so I moved on to using toggles. After bracelets, I moved on to earrings and finally necklaces.

Here is a slide show of some of my work