No is a complete sentence. Do you want to __________? No. I don't have to give anyone a reason Unless you are my boss. My boss gets a reason. Everyone else? Not so much.
I have a finite amount of energy to expend during a day. I get to choose how I spend that energy. I heard a comic talking about his F%^&-It list. It's like a Bucket List only it's stuff I'm never going to do.
My F&*(-It List
1. I'm not eating shrimp, salmon, or crawfish.
2. I'm not riding a roller coaster.
3. I'm not going to a Wagnerian opera.
4. I'm not going to join a church.
5. I'm not drinking to excess ever again.
6. I'm not dyeing my hair or ever getting a perm.
7. I'm not going to a nail salon.
8. I'm never wearing panty hose ever.
9. I'm not going scuba diving or snorkeling.
I can only think of 9 but I'm sure I can add to this list.
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